Current Road Work
COUNT ON IT BUSINESS SERVICES, INC. works for several road/bridge contractors on projects in Southern Vermont providing Public Relations on specific projects.
Below is a list of current projects we now are working on.
For the week beginning Monday, August 06, 2018:
Monday thru Friday:
- Removal of old concrete piers
- Installation of bridge plug joints
- General cleanup work throughout
Motorists should be aware on Monday there will be traffic control allowing for one lane of alternating traffic.
There will be 2 lanes of traffic open during Addison County Field Days.

Weather permitting, Bridge #8 will be opened to thru traffic tomorrow, July 27, 2018.
The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 30, 2018.
Monday thru Sunday:
- Miscellaneous clean-up work.
Traffic control will be present during the daytime hours allowing for one-lane of alternating traffic over the bridge site.
The bridge was opened to traffic on/before the anticipated schedule!